Saturday, September 8, 2012


The game Bang! falls into a special category of games, western card games. I was first introduced to the game by a friend many years ago, and was incredibly skeptical about playing a game about sherifs, deputies, and outlaws, though after playing a full round, my mind was quickly changed. The premiss of the game is as follows. Each player gets a character card, each with their own special ability, and a role card. The base game can have up to 7 players, though with expansions there are rules for 8 players, and enough character cards to work in as many as 13 people(a feat that I've never dared to attempt).

The sheriff wants to kill all of the outlaws and the renegades.
The deputies want to protect the sheriff at all costs.
The outlaws want to kill the sheriff.
The renegade wants to kill the sheriff themselves, and has to kill the outlaws first.

From there, each player draws cards from the deck, full of Bang!'s, Missed!'s, Ten Gallon Hats, Mustangs, Beer, Wels Fargo Wagons, countless guns, and more until one team wins.

Now for the good part, how to turn it into a drinking game.

What you will need:
Beer/Regulated Mixed Drinks

I suggest playing a game without drinking if you have more than 3 new players so that they can be familiar and comfortable with the rules. Once everyone is good to go, put the following rules into effect.

Whenever a player says "Bang", they take a drink.
Whenever a player plays a card from their hand and it isn't their turn, they take a drink.
Whenever a player regains health, they take a drink for each point of health they gained.
When a player dies, everyone finishes their drink in their honor.
When a player dies, they may write a new drinking rule for the current game.

It's just that simple.

The game really picks up near the end of the game when a player is getting killed off each round and new rules make you drink more, which then makes the second round that much more fun.

-Happy Playing!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Apples to Apples

This is a fairly new party game in the grand scheme of games, but a good one none the less. For those that are unfamiliar with the game, it's a category-based card game in which players try to appeal to the judge of each round by playing their own subject card depending on the category card drawn. Whichever card the judge picks, the owner of that card takes the category card for that round and whoever reaches the predetermined amount set by the group wins, a common number is 7.

Now to turn this into a drinking game, it's really quite easy.

What you will need:
Apples to Apples
Shot Glasses equal to Number of Players
Choice of Alcohol

This game is a shot-based game, though there are some modifications from that stated below.
Deal out the cards as normal, and decide who the first judge will be, typically it's best to make sure this player is a little bit more of a heavyweight drinker for reasons later explained.
The judge of each round takes a shot. -From experience, it's perfectly fine to use smaller shot glasses to keep the game intact longer and on the unfortunate circumstance that some of the players are lightweights.
Whoever wins the green category card at the end of the round takes a shot.
After the judge position has gone full-circle around the group, everybody takes a shot. -This is why it's a good idea for the first judge to be more of a heavyweight, as they are taking two shots at this point, as well as the persons on their left and right will be taking two shots fairly close together.
If your group would like to see the game all the way through, it's best that the winner only need to collect maybe 3-5 green category cards. If you're using this as a way to get drunk and don't care about winning, then by all means use a higher number of 7 or higher.

Not every group of drinking friends is a shot-type group, so there are two levels of changes you can make to the game play to accommodate such individuals.

This is for the group that will do shots, but perhaps aren't great at holding their liquor, or just want to slow the progression of drunkenness.

Additional items:
Same Size Glasses/Cups for Each Player
Large amount of a Mixed Drink
Beer(Ignore Previous Two Items)

Game play is same as before, but instead of the judge of each round taking a shot, they take a drink.(Side Note-It's ideal that the group determines what constitutes a drink at the beginning of the game)
The winner of each green category card, you guessed it, takes a drink instead of a shot.
Once the judge position has gone full-cirlce, everyone still takes a shot.

For the groups that are comprised of mostly lightweights, or the objective is just to have a good time, simply replace every instance of a shot with a drink instead.

Taking it further!
You probably thought that was all there was to it, didn't you? Well there's indeed more! This is for the group or individual that really wants to invest in having a solid drinking game out of Apples to Apples. The lovely folks at Out of the Box Publishing have provided us with templates to make our own cards, which can be purchased here. I'm sure the initial purpose was to allow players to make their own cards based on people that might be playing, inside jokes, or other fun little things, but what I'm about to suggest is a little more fun.

On each printable card, you print things that affect the round or possibly the whole game.

"The winner of this category can not play a card during the next round."
"Any player wearing red or green must play their card before the category is chosen next round."
"Every player takes 3 drinks."
"Everyone discards their hands and draws 7 new cards."
"The winner of this round is also 'Thumb-Master' for the rest of the game. -Whenever the Thumb-Master places his or her thumb on the table/floor, everyone else must do so. The last person to put their thumb down must drink."

As you can see, the variables are as endless as your own imagination.
After you have created these cards, put them into the deck and let them be used just like any other card. The only disadvantage to playing one of these cards is that the person playing it is likely forfeiting their chance to win the category card, so make sure the cards are worth it!

Happy Playing!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Hello and welcome!

At The Drunken Gamer, I do my best to bring you the most entertaining ways to get drunk possible. We all know those classic fall back games, quarters, beer pong, kings, and the such, and those are all tried and true examples, but sometimes you're just in the mood for something a little different, and for those sometimes, you've come to the right place. The games I work with range from the standard game that's sitting in every closet, to some sightly more obscure games, though each will have the same end goal, to get you and your friends wasted.

So if you and your friends are looking for some more creative drinking games to play, I encourage you to check back now and again and give some of these a try!